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Whitewater Kayaking Safety & Rescue Essentials

Below is a list of kit certified by White Water Safety & Rescue professionals that you are essential to carry on any moving water. If you're looking to do you WWS&R or your AWS&R then this kit is essential. Make sure you have a knife, towline, karabiners, airbags, first aid kit and of course a throw bag that you know how to use.

Throwbags - It is important to select the right throw bag for the job you're choosing. Smaller more compact bags are more accurate to throw to a swimmer, but they're not as strong as a bigger bag that is designed for high strength. Use something like the Palm Equipment Lightning or Arc, HF Weasel or Little Fis or Whetman River Rat if you're rescuing a swimmer. If you're unpinning a boat, or abseiling, then consider the Palm Pro Throwlines, the HF Rescue throwlines or the Whetman Colca

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